Thursday, February 02, 2006

Boogie Woogie Boy

While in the pick-up line at Ben's school, waiting to get Ben. It's POURING outside.

Aaron is in backseat.. being VERY quiet. As all moms know, when kids are quiet, that's when you gotta check on them. So, I look in the mirror. He's just sitting there...with his finger in his nose.....just waiting for me to look at him.

I said, "Aaron, no. "
So he licks his finger off!
I said "Aaron, NO! that's nasty. "
He says.."How do I get the boogers off?"
I said," don't put your finger in your nose in the first place."
He says, "then how do all the boogers go away?"


Unknown said...

hahahaha............ that is a shot his wife or girlfriends will like to see.

Nikki said...

He he...good question do all those boogers go away :)!
The way kids minds work is hilarious!!
Good luck with that one, I am working on stopping the fingernail bitting...what a mess!

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