Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I don't know where to begin on the updating.
Life is busy with the three kiddos.
Ben is in the 4th grade, Aaron is in the 3rd, Zemi is now 2 and a half and is our little princess who begins preschool this upcoming fall.
Both of the boys are in the gifted program at their school, they ride bikes to and from school when the weather is nice, currently Aaron is playing baseball, and they both just finished up their basketball season.
Zemi has been through all of the major milestones for toddlerhood: she speaks well, she knows her numbers, her ABC's, her colors. Her latest accomplishment is putting on her shoes by herself, but of course they always end up on the wrong foot. Everyday she says the cutest things, her little stories are recorded as status updates on my facebook page. Thankfully I am better at updating that than this here blogger page.
I have trouble remembering every thing that happens with the family, but thankfully I take lots of photos and the pictures remind me. I need to sit down and post the photos with captions.
For now: here's what is current.
Jason and I have celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary!
This year marks Jason's 40th birthday (in September) and we are travelling to Costa Rica in August to celebrate that. It'll be us and the boys, but not my lil Z. We, esp. me, will miss her like crazy, but that's how it has to be this time.
Summer is approaching and I hope I can find enough activities for the kids to do so that we can all have a fun summer.
I feel overwhelmed a lot and not knowing what to do, and so I do nothing. I seem to be in a funk that won't lift. I think it's the stress of having an almost 3 year old and 2 active boys.
I also think that my 4th grader should NOT be required to do a Science Fair project, because that adds to my "overwhelmed-ation". I have no idea how to help him with that, nor do I even know how I would manage TO help him with everything else going on. Seriously, I don't need one more thing.
I have had some back spasms that hurt like heck. I do not want that to flare-up again! I see a masseuse and a chiropractor that has been fabulous at getting me back to my normal state, and I have been doing some twice a week group exercises.
Jason is doing really great, he's been a wonderful husband through everything, very helpful to me.
Stay tuned in for photos to be posted. My boys just got home from school, so I gotta run for now.

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