Saturday, May 20, 2006

Day 4 post-op

It's no piece of cake, this recovery thing. Day one wasn't too bad, I even tried to unpack my suitcase, but that was too much to do I quickly found out. Day 2 I was the sickest yet, feeling nausea and even throwing up late afternoon, and having no appetite that day. I did get myself a bath, but did not wash my hair, cannot get the stitches wet. Stayed in bed that day, had a friend come over and wash my dishes and my laundry for me. Sincerly hoped that DAY 3 would be better. Which it was. I felt OK Day 3-- no nausea, just lots of pain and pressure. I forced myself out of bed to attend Aaron's preschool graduation, but I did not feel good at all while I was there and wanted to get back on bed after 10 minutes of being out of the house. Jason washed my hair in the kitchen sink, carefully avoiding the wound. It feels good to wash my hair finally. Once back home from the graduation ceremony, I ate some lunch then went to the bed, started feeling a little better, but by day 3 evening I was back to feeling awful again. On the advice of my nurse, I started taking Motrin for the pain, and leaving the Vicodin for the night so I could sleep. But Motrin just isn't strong enough. I told Jason to wake me up at 11 PM so I could take that dose of Vicodin, but he didn't, so I awoke at 3 AM to the most horrible pain on my ear...I quickly popped that Vicodin and made Jason get up and make me some toast to go with it. Day 4, today, I woke up at 8 AM, thought I would try the Motrin again, better results with it this time, but still I want the Vicodin, so I can just go to sleep. I want this recovery to be over.

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